About self-isolation


The sun was so bright and audacious today, and the sky was so magnificently blue! I opened the sunroof in my car and kept breathing in this spring air, so fresh and light.. ☀️

I thought of most common topic these days. This topic of isolation, disconnection, abstraction, closure. What is it about?

To me isolation is something in between loneliness and seclusion. But what a different meaning those two words have!

Loneliness means I am alone, I am a loner, I am cut off.

Seclusion means intimacy, privacy, and very deep connection to self.

The First Nations have their own symbol of transformation, deep changes and moving to the next level - it’s a Bear. He dens, falls into a deep sleep, into darkness.

A real internal transformation happens when you are able to deeply connect to yourself. Being with yourself you get a chance to stop hiding and feel for your roots, get real, look straight in your fear's face, talk to him, let him know you see him.

Through this contact you come again, being more alive, more clean and clear.

Do you feel the value of intimity, my friends? Do you often get a chance to be with yourself?


Three main energy thefts


Free online resources to study during self-isolation