How to get a foothold if you’ve lost your job?

job search

Even if you anticipated this to happen, when it actually happens it might hit you hard, so let's see what are the steps you can take to get yourself back on the ground.

🤚🏼First things first, get some fresh air and let yourself live this first wave of emotions fully. It's important here NOT TO seek support from your family/friends. I know you are boiling over, but what you don't want is you leaning on someone’s shoulder in a tough situation to turn into a habit. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" works only when you make your own effort and get your chin up WITHOUT ANYONE'S HELP.

🤚🏼Losing a job can negatively impact your self-esteem. You might start feeling useless and empty. You should tell yourself, that YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB. You are absolutely the same person as you were yesterday, not better and not worse. Try to consciously separate your self-esteem from your employment, and you'll feel better.

🤚🏼You need an action plan. We feel lost when we don't know what to do. A clear plan of what you are going to do tomorrow or next week will get you grounded and structure your brain.

🤚🏼Evaluate your profession towards the market. Take the career orientation test, find articles from career experts of what's going to be in demand after the crisis. It's also the time to maybe turn your interests to new business opportunities.

🤚🏼Think of the past crisises you had in life. We all have our own unique way to go through tough times. Reflect back on how you dealt with those. What did you feel? Wha did you do to get up? How did you find your foothold?

While I truly hope this doesn't come to you my friends, I thought we should be ready to anything.

Share your experience of getting your foothold in difficult situations in comments.


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